Behind the Characters: Frost Isaz

Good Morning Readers and welcome to another Behind the Characters post!  Today I will be covering Frost’s creation.  She is one of my top characters whose strength and dedication are unbridled and incomparable.  The intensity of her dedication and strength are her greatest asset but also her downfall.  It causes her to land close to the top of any situation she finds herself in, but more often than not she finds herself falling short.  These were the primary traits I intended to encompass Frost within her character development.

When I created Geordie’s character as this person who wandered the world with nothing but uncertainty, I wanted Frost to be the polar opposite of everything that represented Geordie.  Where Geordie saw herself as weak and unable to protect the people around her, Frost fully believes that she can defeat anyone with enough resolve and brute force strength.  Many times, she comes close to succeeding in her endeavors but it’s not quite enough.

Everything about Frost’s character was meant to be exaggerated yet believable.  She’s one of the most powerful creatures in the world, an angel, so that already made her one of the top tier contenders in the war to come.  She’s built like an amazonian woman with an intense unnatural look to her that you would only find in a supernatural creature.  She’s abrasive and as cold as the powers she commands.   And as much as she believes that emotion does not belong in her actions, she is purely fueled by emotion, whether she realizes it or not.  She fights for what she believes in and when that belief comes into question, she must reevaluate everything she knows.

A lot of the aspects behind Frost were somewhat influenced by the design of Valkyries in Norse Mythology.  As Frost is meant to be a warrior, Valkyries are believed to guide fallen warriors into the afterlife.  Frost goes where she is commanded into battle without question and does not quit until she’s completed her mission.  In this case, it means taking down Geordie, who is a warrior in her own right, and bringing her to the Immortal Realm.  Even her appearance in her full angelic form is reminiscent of the appearance of a Valkyrie, bearing beautiful body armor and angelic wings.

When I created Frost and her willful attributes, I knew if I kept her as solely this powerhouse with an unwavering bloodlust against Geordie, she would seem one dimensional in her intentions.  I didn’t want her to be only seen as this antagonist with no real motive outside of her given mission.  I wanted to give her a sense of purpose and questioning and force her to rethink her entire system of belief she had spent so much time following.   In my creation of her character, she was the first of many of antagonists met throughout the story who will be seen as an antagonist but encompass the idea of, “We are all the heroes of our own stories.”

As a writer and lover of storytelling, I fully believe that there isn’t really a such thing as a hero or a villain, or simply, a good guy or a bad guy.  What one person believes is the right thing to do in a group situation, another person might believe it’s wrong and come to view that first person as the bad guy.  It’s all about perspective.  Frost truly believes that what she is doing in trying to capture and defeat Geordie is for the good of her people based on the perspective of her leader’s experience with the vampires.  But when she discovers the truth from an unlikely source and the truth is infallible, that completely destroys what she thought was right or wrong and she needs to rework that thought process.

When writing out my antagonists, my goal is to ensure that they are not without reason in their motives.  I’m not a huge fan of “bad guys” doing bad things just because.  Heck, I’m not even a fan of doing things “just because”.  I love motivation, reason, logic, and perspective.  That was a part of the reason why I wrote my story in different perspectives.  I want my readers to see the perspectives of even the antagonists and understand what motivates them.

To learn more about Frost and what fuels her, order your copy of Fallen Ribbon on August 15th exclusively on Amazon!  It will be available in your favorite formats; Ebook, Paperback, and Hardcover!


Behind the Characters: Sam Williams


Final Update: Two Weeks Left!